Journal of Air and Water Borne Diseases

Journal of Air and Water Borne Diseases

Journal of Air and Water Borne Diseases

Open Access & Peer-Reviewed

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About The Journal

The Journal of Air and Water Borne Diseases is committed to disseminating the latest scientific advancements and health related information, which will enable the medical community to better understand and prevent the transmission of air- and water-borne diseases. The journal is managed by an Editorial Board of experts from leading institutions around the world and managed by a highly experienced Editorial Team.

JAWD publishes original research articles, reviews and commentaries, and case reports related to environmental health, waterborne diseases and access to safe water, air borne diseases and air quality, occupational health, noise pollution and other topics related to environmental health. 

Scope of JAWD

Air borne Disease Identification, Air borne Diseases Identification test, Air borne disease control, Air borne disease prevention, Causes of Airborne diseases, Symptoms of Air borne diseases, Water borne Disease Identification, etc.

Remaining Scope can be viewed at Aim and Scope 

Advantages of publishing

Journal of Air and Water Borne Diseases (JAWD) is an open access scientific journal that focuses on the editing, and publishing of the original research in the fields of the environment and public health.The aim of JAWD is to provide an open platform for the experts to share their knowledge and expertise, and for the readers to have an access to the original, timely and comprehensive research in their field. In addition, JAWD also provides rapid peer reviewing services and editorial services to ensure the quality of the research works. 

Instructions for authors

JAWD publishes original research articles, reviews, updates, editorials, and expert opinions on all aspects of air and water borne diseases. Our Instructions for Authors aim to provide detailed guidelines, so authors can easily submit their work for publication with JAWD.

We encourage authors to adhere to the author guidelines when submitting their work. Authors should recognize the ethical implications of their work and follow the ethical guidelines provided by JAWD. All authors should have contributed significantly to the research and should be prepared to take responsibility for the content of the article. All references should be accurate and properly cited.

Editorial Board

The Editorial Board of the JAWD is comprised of experts from multiple disciplines and backgrounds who are committed to furthering the goals of the journal and maintaining the highest standards for quality of publications. They oversee the peer-review process, evaluate manuscripts for originality and scientific rigour and ensure that the journal maintains high ethical and research standards. The editors are well-respected professionals in the field and are dedicated to providing authors with timely, detailed, and constructive reviews of their manuscripts.

Article Processing Charges

The journal provides an open access platform for researchers for the publication of research articles, reviews, short communications, case reports, etc. The journal also encourages authors to submit their original research works, but only after meeting the quality criteria of the journal. The authors of the accepted articles will be charged a nominal Article Processing Charges for publication cost.


1. I was impressed by the swift services of the journal and easy navigation begining from manuscript submission to galley proof. I would recommend future authors-"Consider this journal if you are wondering where to publish your scientific work". They are google scholar indexed and so you do not have to worry, if your scientific work won't reach to the community of other researchers.

Naiya Patel - Long Island University

2. Our experience working with OPEN ACCESS PUB is excellent. I strongly recommend to specialists on neurology and neuroscience to publish their research studies in this open acces journal.

Orlando Castejon - Biological Research Institute

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Life Sciences
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