Giovanna Bertini
Largo Brambilla 3 50144 Florence Italy
Research Interests:
- Neonatal infections disease
- Neonatal neurology
- Jaundice Breastfeeding
- Dr. Giovanna Bertini Dr. Bertini, born in Montevarchi (AR) on 28/5/1966, graduated in Florence in 1992 with 110/110 and specialized in Pediatrics in Florence with 70/70 and Lode in 1996.
- Her education It took place at the Meyer Pediatric Hospital in Florence and at the Careggi University Hospital in Florence. She also perfected herself in the USA at the St. Christopher Children's Hospital in Philadelphia.
- Dr. Bertini is the author of 93 publications in English on International Scientific Journals and is one of the very few Italian Members of the American Society for Pediatric Research [Society for Pediatric Research (SPR)].
- Dr. Bertini is currently a first level Medical Director in Neonatology with a permanent contract with the SOD of Neonatology and Neonatal Intensive Therapy, University Hospital of Careggi (FI), with the position of letter E (high livel position).
- Dr. Giovanna Bertini has carried out her professional activity at the SOD of Neonatology and Neonatal Intensive Care of the University Hospital of Careggi (Florence), Center of III level for neonatal care with catchment area of 8000-10000 newborns / year and main center of reference of pregnancies at risk of the Tuscany Region leading to the assistance of about 600 premature babies / year, of which at least 350 / year of gestational age less than 32 weeks and / or birth weight less than 1500 grams (data highlighted by the Tuscany Network of premature babies). In the context of the pathology affecting the new-term infant, problems related to asphyxial newborns, to neurological and cardiological newborns, to newborns with connatal and acquired infections are managed. In the context of clinical and management practice, Dr. Bertini (Chief Executive Officer of letter E) coordinated 5 beds of Neonatal Intensive Care, ensuring the care of premature babies and newborns at risk for pathology, through the use of methods of ventilatory support (high flow nasocannules, CPAP in all its methods, conventional and high frequency mechanical ventilation, use of nitric oxide), the insertion of central venous pathways (venous and umbilical arterial catheter, percutaneous central venous catheter ) for the infusion of drugs and partial or total parenteral nutrition, the use of hypothermia in management and EEG and somatosensory evoked potentials in the diagnosis and prognosis of neonatal asphyxia. Until June 2010, Dr. Bertini performed Neonatal Cardiological Service, for cardiological assistance (ECG, ECG-Holter 24h, 2D-Eco Doppler) to premature and term newborn infants in Neonatal Intensive Care, including affected infants from severe congenital heart disease (Interventricular defects, Atrio-ventricular canal, Tetralogy of Fallot, Stenosis / Pulmonary atresia, Aortic coarctation, Transposition of Large Vessels).
- Dr. Bertini has acquired skills in the execution of Transfontanellar ultrasound (180 exams / year), ultrasound of the Urinary apparatus (100 exams / year), and ultrasound (20 exams / year). Dr. Bertini has worked closely with the Neurophysiopathology Service of the University Hospital of Careggi, in the management of newborns suffering from neurological pathology, neuro-muscular, muscular and asphyxiated, participating in the execution of diagnostic tests (Integrated Video-EEG , electromyography, visual, auditory and somatosensory evoked potentials, electroneurography) and therapeutic choices.
- In these years, Dr. Bertini has promoted the prevention of neonatal fungal infections in premature infants through the use of Fluconazole, as highlighted by scientific publications in international journals produced by her. and an invitation to hold a report at the Congress of the American Society of Pediatrics, held in San Francisco in May 2004 (Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting - S. Francisco 1-4 May 2004: "Fluconazole prophylaxis prevent invasive infection in VLBW infants" platform session "Neonatal Infectious Disease - Nosocomial infection Challanges and Solutions."
- This contribution was selected among 2000 as one of the 30 most original and innovative to offer to the mass media). In the context of the important chapter of the prevention of nosocomial infections, Dr. Bertini has contributed to the innovative choice of the use of umbilical catheters medicated with Silver, for the prevention of catheter-related infections, as highlighted, also in this case, from scientific publications in international reviews produced by her and an invitation to hold two reports at the Congresses of the American Society of Pediatrics, in 2008 in Honolulu and in 2009 in Baltimore (Pediatric Academic Societies' Annual Meeting- Honolulu, Hawaii, May 3 - 6, 2008: "A Fusidic-Heparin Lock Solution and Silver Coated Central Venous Catheters in Preventing Staphylococcus Catheter-Related Bloodstream Infections in VLBW Infants" - platform session "Neonatal Infectious Disease - Nosocomial infection Challanges and Solutions"; Pediatrics Academic Societies' Annual Meeting- Baltimore, USA, May 2-5, 2009: official speaker in the session "Nosocomi al Infections: strategies of prevention "). Dr. Bertini has collaborated in the Finalized Research Program of the Ministry of Health "Survey on Access to Intensive Care and Treatment for Obstetric and Neonatal Care for Preterm Parts and Infants (PROJECT ACTION)". Six Italian regions participated in this project: Friuli-Venezia-Giulia, Lombardy, Lazio, Marche, Calabria and, with general coordination functions, Tuscany. Fifty 2nd and 3rd level Neonatal Intensive Care Centers were involved, and over 230 birth points. The project aimed to produce detailed knowledge on the organization of perinatal care for infants at risk in the six participating Italian regions, and to explore the relationship between care modalities and neonatal outcomes in order to identify the assistance and organizational models that are able to to minimize the probability of a favorable outcome. Dr. Bertini is one of the very few Members of the American Society for Pediatric Research [Society for Pediatric Research (SPR)]. Dr. Bertini was "Visiting Professor" from March 28, 2009 to May 10, 2009 at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and St. Christopher Hospital Neonatal Research Laboratory, directed by Professor M. D. Papadopoulus - Drexel University College of Medicine - Philadelphia (USA), acquiring new theoretical and practical knowledge for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy in the newborn, with the aim of achieving a reduction in neurological disability. From 2002 to date he is an Adjunct Professor at the Postgraduate School of Pediatrics of the University of Florence. Teaching "Puerperio - Biology and Lactation Clinic" for the Degree Course in Obstetrics from the academic year 2002-2003. Dr. Bertini has been a speaker at 35 National and International Congresses. 3 March, 2018 Giovanna Bertini