Journal of Diseases

About The Journal

Journal of Diseases (JD) Disease is one of the major causes of global mortality, and understanding its molecular and cellular mechanisms can help to identify effective therapeutic intervention. Through high-quality peer reviews, the journal offers authoritative insights into the complex relationships between disease and its underlying scientific theories. The journal provides readers with a comprehensive understanding of the pathogenesis of various diseases, including infectious, immunological and genetic disorders. Furthermore, the journal offers views from both the medical and scientific community to address clinical challenges in disease management.


As a top publication in the field of diseases and health, the Journal of Diseases focuses on providing authoritative and up-to-date information regarding recent advances and trends. The journal covers both the clinical aspects of diseases, as well as the basic science underlying each topic. Accessing the journal's comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of disease topics can help improve research and decision-making in the medical field.


Submission Process:
Select Journal: You can opt for the Journal of Hematology and Oncology Research
Your Name: Mention your name
Your Country: Select your country details
Your Email: Place your mail ID.
Your Alternate Email: You can mention your alternative mail ID.
Affiliation: You can update the affiliation
Upload: Manuscripts can be submitted in the following formats: DOC, DOCX, PDF, or ZIP.
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Scope of JD:
Chronic Disease, Congenital disease, Incurable disease, Infectious diseases, Genetic disease, Hereditary or inherited disease, Iatrogenic disease, Idiopathic disease, Zoonotic Diseases, etc.

Remaining Scope can be viewed at Aim and Scope 

Instructions to Prepare your article:

Manuscript template: Title, List of authors, their affiliations and email addresses, Abstract, Introduction, Main body, Results and discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgments (optional), References.

Formatting guidelines can be found at Instructions for Authors

Advantages for publishing through us:

Publishing in a recognized journal, such as the Journal of Diseases, has many advantages. Firstly, when an article is published in a reputable journal, it adds prestige to individual authors and research groups involved. Journals such as the Journal of Diseases have been publishing for many years, and are well-respected in the scientific community. Publishing in the journal gives authors and their work the highest level of credibility, since their work and findings will be read by experts from all over the world.
Secondly, publishing in the Journal of Diseases also provides access to a global audience. With wide circulation and international readership, authors can reach a much larger group of people than they could by disseminating their work in other venues. 


Article processing charges

Journal of Diseases is committed to open access publishing and provides authors with an efficient, fair and transparent article processing system. In order to provide continued support and new initiatives on content, technology and services, we have implemented Article Processing Charges (APC's) for paper submissions. All charges are cost-focused, transparent and affordable, as part of our dedication to providing an excellent publication experience for authors.

Editorial Board Members:

1. I am pleased to note your quality work, professionalism and non-indifference. The decision of working moments and all questions are carried out quickly, quickly enough, in working order. Reviewers' reviews are objective, useful, aimed at improving articles. Layout and design of good quality. I believe that the magazine can be indexed in the Scopus database. I and my colleagues are determined to continue cooperation with you.

Kiryanov NA  Izhevsk State Medical Academy

2. My experience with you was wonderful: you are not just looking for money, as unfortunately do some of your competitors, but show a real interest in publishing science, also helping to improve manuscript's quality. Thanks to valuable prompt suggestions by your Editors, getting to the final product in few weeks since submission. Thank you.

Diego Liberati   National Research Council of Italy

Journals By Subject

Life Sciences
Medical Sciences